The girls have their 18-month check up last Thursday.
Both girls are doing great. They were 60th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height (although I think the height measurement was a bit too generous).
Here are their stats:
A: 24lbs, 1oz and 33 inches
L: 24lbs, 8oz and 33 inches
Who would ever think that they had started out as 32-week preemies? :)
What they are up to...Their walking is turning into running.
They understand everything we say to them.
They are cutting molars but still only have two of their top front teeth. (L has 4 bottom front and A has 3).
They both LOVE books... both to "read" and to chew on.
A loves to build things with blocks... and L loves to knock them down.
Their favorite shows are Barney, The Wiggles, Teletubbies, and Elmo's World.
They love to follow along with the dance moves during Wiggles and Barney songs.
L loves pasta and A won't touch it, literally.