5:15 p.m. EST. Doh!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Gone Fishin'
Well, it's as good an excuse as any.
The girls are having a wonderful summer. They have made best friends with the kids down the street (ages 3 and 4), are having fun splashing around at the town pool, and are loving having Mommy home with them. Mommy, too. Mommy, on the other hand, is still struggling with the loss of her dad... Hopefully, I will soon get this blog back up and running.
Our quick BIG update:
A: totally potty trained - day and night (in just a few days... woohoo!)
L: on her way to soon being totally PT'd (in just a week or so... woohoo!)
The girls start preschool after Labor Day. Just two days a week for 2 1/2 hours but they seem to really be looking forward to it!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Doctor's Appointment
The girls had their 3-year doctor's appointment yesterday.
What a difference a year makes. Last year they screamed and cried from the second they got in the exam room until they left. This year they laughed and danced and said how much fun they were having. We actually had to drag them out of the doctor's office crying because they didn't want to leave!! No shots were involved which added to the pleasant experience but they did each have finger pricks to test hemoglobin and blood sugar levels so it wasn't all painless. (The results were normal for both.) They had their ears tested -- both passed. And they both were tested for lazy eye. They both passed that test as well.
Now the stats:
36 1/2"
30 lbs
50th percentile
What a difference a year makes. Last year they screamed and cried from the second they got in the exam room until they left. This year they laughed and danced and said how much fun they were having. We actually had to drag them out of the doctor's office crying because they didn't want to leave!! No shots were involved which added to the pleasant experience but they did each have finger pricks to test hemoglobin and blood sugar levels so it wasn't all painless. (The results were normal for both.) They had their ears tested -- both passed. And they both were tested for lazy eye. They both passed that test as well.
Now the stats:
36 1/2"
30 lbs
50th percentile
33 lbs
75th percentile
They are both doing just fine and progressing on their own growth curves. A was 50th percentile and L was 75th percentile last year as well. It's very interesting how you can have identical twins and there still be such a noticable difference in height and weight. A few people have even asked me if L is older because of the size difference.
Oh, and they woke up this morning and both again said how much fun they had at the doctor's. :) Wait until next year when they DO have to get some shots...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Today is Father's Day and my heart hurts.
For weeks now, there have been the department store flyers, the TV ads, the emails, all reminding me to "remember Dad on Father's Day". Which is ironic as not a day goes by that I don't remember and think about my dad. I know that today is really just a commercial holiday but it makes the absence of my father all the more painful.
I know I have to move forward and allow this to be a special day for my girls and their daddy. And I have tried: letting Daddy "sleep in", a special breakfast with homemade Belgian waffles, the surprise photo portraits of the girls...
And yet today, this first Father's Day without my dad, I mourn and hope that next year the memories of my dad will make today a happy day again.
Father's Day 2007

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Three Years Old!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Need Birthday Present Ideas...
My girls will be 3 (three! already?!?) next week.
I want to get each of them some kind of portable learning game as a bday present and want opinions on what is best for their age and/or, for those of you with older kids, what your kids liked at this age.
I am considering a couple of LeapFrog products:
My First LeapPad is for their age range, but seems kind of limited as far as what it does.
Any other brands/ideas would be appreciated.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
We are Paci-Free!
Well, I can now cross off #1 from my To-Do list as we are now paci-free. Woo hoo!
(Bear with me as I try to re-recount this. I went to save a copy of my original post before posting it and somehow deleted the whole darn thing. Doh!)
How did we accomplish this? By going to Build-A-Bear Workshop, of course. ;-) (A big shout out of thanks to Melissa for giving me this idea.)
On Wednesday, we were at the Mall and A asked to go look at the bears at the above store. While we were there, I suggested that maybe one day we could come back and make a bear and put our pacis inside, that "big girls" don't have pacis and you can't turn 3 and still have pacis (they are very into their upcoming birthday). And they would have a very special teddy bear to sleep with instead. It was not a hard sell and I figured they would forget all about it. We went home. Later that day, they asked if they could go back and make their bears with their pacis. I tried to explain to them what it really meant, that there would be no more pacis. They enthusiastically agreed to say goodbye to them. I decided to take the bull by the horn and go for it, even though I wasn't totally convinced they were ready.
We went to the store. They picked out their bears -- basically the first ones they picked up. LOL. They helped stuff them and put in hearts and then the pacis. No problem. Paid. Left the store. Had a great time walking around carrying their bears in their boxes. Went home. Couldn't help having the feeling that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop...
The shoe fell hard. While they ate dinner I was on the phone with my mom telling about what we had done and all of a sudden remorse set in. BIG TIME. L starts crying. In typical twin fashion, A starts in to. They ask for their pacis back. L keeps saying "open it up" (as in "open up the bear and give me my paci back!"). After a solid hour, the crying stopped. And, other than asking about their pacis a couple of times, the transition actually has gone rather smoothly. Whew!
I have pictures of the big event which are unfortunately stuck in my camera since the batteries ran out and I can't find the battery charger.
As for To-Do List Item #2, that is in a holding pattern as the basement renovation still is not done. ;-)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mommy's To Do List
To Do:
1) Get rid of the nighttime pacis for good.
2) Potty train both girls.
3) Move the girls from cribs to toddler beds.
In that order.
1) I eliminated one of the TWO pacis the girls had in their crib (you know, in case one fell out during the night, but of course that didn't work because they wanted to have one to suck on and one in their hand. Doh...) by telling them that the other ones were "broken". It worked but not until after one of them had said "I want to see it", as if she needed proof that the paci was indeed broken. In other words, she saw right throught the veil of my little white lie. I didn't oblige, but boy, am I in for it with these two. LOL.
2) As soon as our basement renovation is finished.* I PROMISE. Which should be some time next week. My goal is to have both PT'd before their 3rd bday at the end of May.
3) TBD. They aren't trying to climb out and I'm not in any hurry.
*Will share pics of the before and after of our basement renov.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Since Easter is typically in April and not in March like this year, perhaps it is not TOO late to be talking Easter.
The girls had a lot of fun. They went to their first Easter egg hunt in town this year. And loved the egg hunt that the Easter Bunny left for them at our house. Their Easter baskets were also a big hit as they got Max & Ruby books and DVDs. Max & Ruby is BIG around our house these days. Grandma C. spent the day with us, which was really special. Here are some pics...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Just a Few Pictures
Here are a few pictures of Grandad with L&A. Dad wasn't that in to having his picture taken so, unfortunately, there are not a lot of him with the girls.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Words of Remembrance
Here is the eulogy I gave at my dad's memorial service.
Good morning. I am Julie ___________, John’s youngest daughter. Thank you all so much for joining my family in celebrating my dad’s life.
I think generally most people’s first impression of Dad was probably that he was a quiet, reserved man. And it was true. But behind that subdued exterior, was a man of great talent and passion. He was incredibly intelligent, athletic, a wonderful piano player, an avid sailor, a gardener, so many, many things. He threw himself 100% into whatever he was enthusiastic about.
And while Dad was quiet & reserved, with that came a person who gave generously of his time and talent to help others without thought of recognition for himself. Over the years, Dad has spent many weekends volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, Friday mornings delivering food to shelters and other needy situations as a Fair Share Table volunteer and participating in a number of local community projects.
In addition to being a well-respected attorney, Dad was also the quintessential jack of all trades. A “Mr. Fix It”. Plumber, electrician, carpenter, auto mechanic, painter, ceramic tile installer, you name it. Growing up, I thought this is what all dads could do and didn’t realize that you could hire people to do the sort of projects my dad was able to do. Where other people collected some sort of memorabilia, Dad collected tools, of every size and variety. I once was kidding with him and told him that when he retired he should get a job at Home Depot because he loved that stuff so much. I actually got a grin out of him at the suggestion.
Dad also had a life-long love of gardening. Those lucky enough to have gotten some will know that his tomatoes were one of the highlights of every summer. And when ever I had a house plant that was not doing well, off it went to my parents’ where I knew it would be nursed back to health by my Dad.
As you can see, Dad could do whatever he put his mind to, well, with one distinct exception: dance. Despite his musical and athletic abilities, he surprisingly had two left feet when it came to dancing.
I am the youngest of six daughters so I suppose that it was inevitable that I might be assigned the role of the son he never had. Over the years, he had enlisted my help for countless home and boat projects. And while I sometimes begrudgingly worked on them, I am so grateful for what I learned from working along side Dad and the independence he instilled in me and just wish there had been time to learn more.
But what will always stand out most for me and probably most of us who know and love him, was his great passion for sailing. It was a year-round devotion: Sailing his boat in the summer; working on the boat in the winter and early spring to get ready for the next sailing season. And to hold him over, wonderful sailing cruises in such exotic places as the Caribbean and Tahiti. Now more than ever whenever I see a sailboat or look out on the water and notice that the wind is just right for a brisk sail, I will think of my dad.
I would like to end with a poem that I think my dad would have known or liked.
"Sea-Fever" by John Masefield
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
Good morning. I am Julie ___________, John’s youngest daughter. Thank you all so much for joining my family in celebrating my dad’s life.
I think generally most people’s first impression of Dad was probably that he was a quiet, reserved man. And it was true. But behind that subdued exterior, was a man of great talent and passion. He was incredibly intelligent, athletic, a wonderful piano player, an avid sailor, a gardener, so many, many things. He threw himself 100% into whatever he was enthusiastic about.
And while Dad was quiet & reserved, with that came a person who gave generously of his time and talent to help others without thought of recognition for himself. Over the years, Dad has spent many weekends volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, Friday mornings delivering food to shelters and other needy situations as a Fair Share Table volunteer and participating in a number of local community projects.
In addition to being a well-respected attorney, Dad was also the quintessential jack of all trades. A “Mr. Fix It”. Plumber, electrician, carpenter, auto mechanic, painter, ceramic tile installer, you name it. Growing up, I thought this is what all dads could do and didn’t realize that you could hire people to do the sort of projects my dad was able to do. Where other people collected some sort of memorabilia, Dad collected tools, of every size and variety. I once was kidding with him and told him that when he retired he should get a job at Home Depot because he loved that stuff so much. I actually got a grin out of him at the suggestion.
Dad also had a life-long love of gardening. Those lucky enough to have gotten some will know that his tomatoes were one of the highlights of every summer. And when ever I had a house plant that was not doing well, off it went to my parents’ where I knew it would be nursed back to health by my Dad.
As you can see, Dad could do whatever he put his mind to, well, with one distinct exception: dance. Despite his musical and athletic abilities, he surprisingly had two left feet when it came to dancing.
I am the youngest of six daughters so I suppose that it was inevitable that I might be assigned the role of the son he never had. Over the years, he had enlisted my help for countless home and boat projects. And while I sometimes begrudgingly worked on them, I am so grateful for what I learned from working along side Dad and the independence he instilled in me and just wish there had been time to learn more.
But what will always stand out most for me and probably most of us who know and love him, was his great passion for sailing. It was a year-round devotion: Sailing his boat in the summer; working on the boat in the winter and early spring to get ready for the next sailing season. And to hold him over, wonderful sailing cruises in such exotic places as the Caribbean and Tahiti. Now more than ever whenever I see a sailboat or look out on the water and notice that the wind is just right for a brisk sail, I will think of my dad.
I would like to end with a poem that I think my dad would have known or liked.
"Sea-Fever" by John Masefield
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Sudden Passing
Quietly, and without warning, my father was suddenly taken from us on Tuesday, February 12, 2008.
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated at this time.
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated at this time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Kids Say the Cutest Things...
It is amazing how much the girls speech has developed in the last few months. They seemed to go from 2-3 word sentences to full-blown conversational sentences over night.
Lately the girls have started saying the cutest things. A few examples:
Everything is their favorite or, as they say it, "faborite", or they love it, which comes out as "lub it." "Apples are my faborite." "I lub popcorn." Too cute. (Gotta work on their pronunciation of 'V'.)
When they see snow flakes and/or the ground only has a dusting of snow, they call it "snow crumbs."
One day, they were watching Caillou on PBS and Caillou had twin boys over to play. I said the them, "Look girls, they are twins. YOU'RE twins." A replied, "I not twins, I girl." And L chimed in "I not twins." As if the choices are: boy, girl, or twins. :-)
Lately the girls have started saying the cutest things. A few examples:
Everything is their favorite or, as they say it, "faborite", or they love it, which comes out as "lub it." "Apples are my faborite." "I lub popcorn." Too cute. (Gotta work on their pronunciation of 'V'.)
When they see snow flakes and/or the ground only has a dusting of snow, they call it "snow crumbs."
One day, they were watching Caillou on PBS and Caillou had twin boys over to play. I said the them, "Look girls, they are twins. YOU'RE twins." A replied, "I not twins, I girl." And L chimed in "I not twins." As if the choices are: boy, girl, or twins. :-)
Monday, February 11, 2008
I'll Bet You Thought I Was Exaggerating
I will bet that you thought I was exaggerating (frankly, so did I) when I said I should have a Christmas summary post up by Valentine's Day. Well, here it is, February 11th, just a few days shy of V Day and I am just getting to it.
We really had a wonderful Christmas with the girls. They really got into the spirit of things and still talk about the great stuff that Santa brought them, especially their teddy bears and tricycles.
Here are some pictures...
Grandad, L, Mommy, Grandma, and A

L and A with their new pink pianos from their aunts, uncle and cousins.
The girls with their new bikes
We really had a wonderful Christmas with the girls. They really got into the spirit of things and still talk about the great stuff that Santa brought them, especially their teddy bears and tricycles.
Here are some pictures...
Grandad, L, Mommy, Grandma, and A
L and A with their new pink pianos from their aunts, uncle and cousins.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Christmas Cuties
Well, this post was supposed to be accompanied by a picture that was supposed to be a hold over until I can get around to a Christmas summary which, at this rate, should be written and posted sometime around Valentine's Day. ;-)
Good old Blogger...
Will try again later...
Good old Blogger...
Will try again later...
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