First off, how cute are these shirts?? And very fitting as we are totally in what I call their "monkey see, monkey do" phase. They copy what the other one is doing constantly. It is pretty cute. I am so enamored with this phase that for Halloween the girls are going to be... monkeys, of course! I even got buttons to pin on their costume that have the same design as what is on their t-shirts.
Their evaluation went very well. Both of them really did great considering they were at a strange place, with a strange person, and being asked to do tasks that were unfamiliar with them. They were evaluated separately. The nurse doing the evaluation commented on how amazingly close they scored on everything. Even with twins there is usually more of a variation in where they are at with certain developmental milestones. The evaluation focused on fine and gross motor skills, language, and cognitive ability. They both scored ahead on cognitive as well as abstract thinking, which wasn't even being tested. They are both doing really well with language -- both have a large vocab -- but we need to work on getting longer sentences out of them. They mostly do two- and three-word sentences. So all is well with our little ladies' development.
The girls had their first dentist visit last week. That was interesting. LOL. They LOVED the waiting area which had lots of toys to keep them busy. They didn't even mind the first part of the visit which involved new Dora toothbrushes and a goodie bag for each of them. The exam by the dentist? Not so much. The big bummer is that the dentist confirmed what we thought -- L is missing one of her lateral incisors, which is one of the top teeth next to the two front teeth. There is nothing really that can be done until her permanent teeth come in. The dentist won't even do x-rays to see if she has the permanent tooth until she is 5.
SOOOO cute! Sage has a shirt that says Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey get in trouble too! Guess you'd need triplets to pull off that one. LOL Can't wait to see their Halloween costumes! VERY good news on your smart little girls! Sounds like they are doing fabulous. Good job, Mommy! I desperately need to get my kids to the dentist. Sage has a bit of an underbite. Glad the experience wasn't too horrible. Anyway - thanks for the update!!
I saw a shirt like the one that Sage has at Kohl's. I was sooo tempted to get them each one, but I don't want to overdo it with the "see, do" them. ;-)
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