Sunday, May 04, 2008

We are Paci-Free!

Well, I can now cross off #1 from my To-Do list as we are now paci-free. Woo hoo!
(Bear with me as I try to re-recount this. I went to save a copy of my original post before posting it and somehow deleted the whole darn thing. Doh!)

How did we accomplish this? By going to Build-A-Bear Workshop, of course. ;-) (A big shout out of thanks to Melissa for giving me this idea.)
On Wednesday, we were at the Mall and A asked to go look at the bears at the above store. While we were there, I suggested that maybe one day we could come back and make a bear and put our pacis inside, that "big girls" don't have pacis and you can't turn 3 and still have pacis (they are very into their upcoming birthday). And they would have a very special teddy bear to sleep with instead. It was not a hard sell and I figured they would forget all about it. We went home. Later that day, they asked if they could go back and make their bears with their pacis. I tried to explain to them what it really meant, that there would be no more pacis. They enthusiastically agreed to say goodbye to them. I decided to take the bull by the horn and go for it, even though I wasn't totally convinced they were ready.
We went to the store. They picked out their bears -- basically the first ones they picked up. LOL. They helped stuff them and put in hearts and then the pacis. No problem. Paid. Left the store. Had a great time walking around carrying their bears in their boxes. Went home. Couldn't help having the feeling that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop...
The shoe fell hard. While they ate dinner I was on the phone with my mom telling about what we had done and all of a sudden remorse set in. BIG TIME. L starts crying. In typical twin fashion, A starts in to. They ask for their pacis back. L keeps saying "open it up" (as in "open up the bear and give me my paci back!"). After a solid hour, the crying stopped. And, other than asking about their pacis a couple of times, the transition actually has gone rather smoothly. Whew!
I have pictures of the big event which are unfortunately stuck in my camera since the batteries ran out and I can't find the battery charger.
As for To-Do List Item #2, that is in a holding pattern as the basement renovation still is not done. ;-)


Amy said...

Way to go A & L, and, of course Mommy!! I know that was a hard step to make, but it sounds like everyone is doing beautifully. I loved the bear idea when I first heard it from Melissa, but I was military mom and cut the ends off ... LOL The bears are so much sweeter!! Good job girls!!!

Julie said...

Actually, I was planning on just cutting the ends off of their pacis as well but when they seemed so into the bear idea I went with that as well. ;-)

Hasn't been a totally smooth transition. The 5th night without them they started asking for them. L even said "we need our pacis to help us go to sleep". Last night was fine. So I guess they are just working through dealing with life without them. Life is hard when you are almost 3. LOL.

Julie said...

I meant to say, went with the bear idea instead... Duh.

Cheryl said...

Congrats!! Don't stress about the todo list - Sawyer didn't PT until a week after his third birthday and it only took 2 days. Anyway, I can't believe the girls are almost 3!!!!!

Melissa said...

Woohoo!!! I am glad the paci's are gone. At least mostly. Ashley happily said good bye to her paci and moved on right after we put it inside the bear. It took Greg about 10 days to stop asking about it. I hope the paci's are completely a thing of the past for you guys soon!!!

And about #2... Ashley is coming up on her third birthday in Sept. and she is not even close to being PT. And, it's not for my lack of trying! Good luck with that! :-)