Wednesday, June 13, 2007


As I mentioned, the girls really have developed quite a large vocabulary. And they LOVE to show that off. Objects are constantly being pointed at and named without any prompting. And almost always they accurately identify a particular object.

Almost always.

For their birthday, the girls each received a baseball set: a bag with a soft baseball, a bat and a mitt. Despite showing the girls how to use a baseball mitt, including that it goes on your hand, Miss L was quite adamant in insisting that her mitt is a "shoe." And the above picture proves it. Not only does L have her foot in the mitt to show that it is a shoe, she is saying "shoe". LOL.


The girls had their 2-year ped. appt. a couple of days after their birthday. They are doing great!

A was 33 1/2" (50th percentile) and 26lbs, 12oz, and
L was 34 1/2" (75th percentile) and 27lbs, 2oz.

We could tell that L was a tad taller but didn't think it was a whole inch. Wonder if that is unusual for identical twins...

They are really doing great developmentally. They seem to have totally caught up to their full-term peers. They have a big vocabulary and use short sentences. They love to count objects -- often beyond 10 now. They love to sing songs and dance. They know their colors -- their favorite seems to be "yeyyow". And they are now working on learning shapes.

They do still do some tip-toe walking but the ped. said theirs is totally normal: they don't have tightening in their muscles and they also stand flat on their feet and often walk heel-to-toe.

They are both cutting their eye teeth, as well as a couple of other teeth, so they have been pretty grouchy lately -- poor babies (and poor mommy & daddy)!