Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mommy's To Do List

To Do:
1) Get rid of the nighttime pacis for good.
2) Potty train both girls.
3) Move the girls from cribs to toddler beds.
In that order.
1) I eliminated one of the TWO pacis the girls had in their crib (you know, in case one fell out during the night, but of course that didn't work because they wanted to have one to suck on and one in their hand. Doh...) by telling them that the other ones were "broken". It worked but not until after one of them had said "I want to see it", as if she needed proof that the paci was indeed broken. In other words, she saw right throught the veil of my little white lie. I didn't oblige, but boy, am I in for it with these two. LOL.
2) As soon as our basement renovation is finished.* I PROMISE. Which should be some time next week. My goal is to have both PT'd before their 3rd bday at the end of May.
3) TBD. They aren't trying to climb out and I'm not in any hurry.
*Will share pics of the before and after of our basement renov.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Since Easter is typically in April and not in March like this year, perhaps it is not TOO late to be talking Easter.

The girls had a lot of fun. They went to their first Easter egg hunt in town this year. And loved the egg hunt that the Easter Bunny left for them at our house. Their Easter baskets were also a big hit as they got Max & Ruby books and DVDs. Max & Ruby is BIG around our house these days. Grandma C. spent the day with us, which was really special. Here are some pics...