Thursday, September 14, 2006

Better Late Than Never

This week we started sleep training the girls. Yeah, yeah, I know. This is something you are supposed to do when babies are infants. But, better late than never, right??

We had gotten ourselves into a pretty tough spot. We were putting the girls to bed already asleep (and they usually weren't falling asleep until 9pm or later) and if/when they woke up during the night or early morning we put them in our bed. As you can imagine, that had left us with little time in the evening for ourselves to relax or get some things done and also left us with not enough sleep.

Well, fortunately, I came to my senses and finally realized that we had to change this terrible routine. So, we are on Day 4 of this "sleep experiment" and I have to say (while risking jinxing myself) that it is going pretty well. The night of Day 2 was pretty rough but last night we saw great improvements. They were both asleep by 9:15 and, while I heard some fussing a few times during the night, no one got up crying. They both woke up at 5:15 but with a little coaxing and soothing went back to sleep for another two hours.

I am not foolish enough to believe it will only get better from here -- I am sure we still have some tough nights ahead -- but hopefully we are on our way to well-rested, happier babies and parents!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hey Julie! I'm sure the sleep situation will get better. We were really strict about not bringing kids in bed with us - mostly because I like my space! I'm sure your girls will adjust. Do they wake each other up?