Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and my heart hurts.

For weeks now, there have been the department store flyers, the TV ads, the emails, all reminding me to "remember Dad on Father's Day". Which is ironic as not a day goes by that I don't remember and think about my dad. I know that today is really just a commercial holiday but it makes the absence of my father all the more painful.

My mom offered to meet me somewhere for lunch to honor today. And Louis also offered for us to go and meet my mom at a town that we often met my parents for lunch and an outing with the girls. While I appreciate the offers, it's just too soon for me to "celebrate" the day in this manner.

I know I have to move forward and allow this to be a special day for my girls and their daddy. And I have tried: letting Daddy "sleep in", a special breakfast with homemade Belgian waffles, the surprise photo portraits of the girls...

And yet today, this first Father's Day without my dad, I mourn and hope that next year the memories of my dad will make today a happy day again.

Father's Day 2007

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh, Julie, I feel your sadness. I hope you had some memories of your dad that made you smile today..