Monday, August 11, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Well, it's as good an excuse as any.
The girls are having a wonderful summer. They have made best friends with the kids down the street (ages 3 and 4), are having fun splashing around at the town pool, and are loving having Mommy home with them. Mommy, too. Mommy, on the other hand, is still struggling with the loss of her dad... Hopefully, I will soon get this blog back up and running.
Our quick BIG update:
A: totally potty trained - day and night (in just a few days... woohoo!)
L: on her way to soon being totally PT'd (in just a week or so... woohoo!)

The girls start preschool after Labor Day. Just two days a week for 2 1/2 hours but they seem to really be looking forward to it!


Melissa said...

Congrats on the potty training! That must make things so much easier for you. Now if could just get Ashley to follow suit... :)

Julie said...

Thanks, Melissa!

I am almost afraid to even put it in print that they are PT'd for fear of a set back. ;-) What has been a big help is that they had both been staying dry at night before I even really tried PTing. I also used sticker charts and "potty prizes" (a puzzle, DVD, etc.) which has made it fun for them. And, since they are already 3, obviously we did not get an early start on it.

Good luck with Ashley!

Amy said...

Congratulations Julie!!! My girls were staying dry at night for a long time too ... we have been diaper free for a long time now with no set backs ... just a very RARE accident. Way to go girls!!!

Our 2 Twins said...

Hi Julie- thanks for checking in on my blog. Its good to see you back! B and K start pre-k 3 on Monday. So far, so good with the pt-ing! We found gummy bears have done the trick!

Talk to you soon!